Follow steps below to add a new article to your website's blog. 

  1. Login to
  2. Find My Sites in the upper left corner. Hover over it and a list of sites you belong to will appear. Click on the site you want to add a news post to. 
  3. This will take you to the Dashboard of your blog/news site. Click on Posts from the left sidebar and then click on Add New.
  4. Enter the title of the news article
  5. Under Custom Author Name, enter the name you want to appear as the author if different from your name 
  6. Add the text of the news article to the main body text field.
  7. Once finished adding the article, you are ready to publish. Click the red “Publish” button on the right under Publish
  8. A few more options under publish:
    • If you are not ready to publish yet, you can also click the “Save Draft” button to save your work and return at later time. 
    • The default publish date is “immediately”. If you would like to change that to a different date, click “Edit” next to publish date to select a different date.
  9. Once the news article is published, it will appear on your website where you have the news placed.